Financial Advocacy Network (FAN)  + Generosity + Curiosity

The Financial Advocacy Network is passionate about our family of staff and financial advisors AND our community. Our philanthropic efforts have grown over the years by supporting many different organizations donating our time and money.  We have worked on many projects and served on numerous boards. FAN is committed to a philanthropic mission to give back to our corporate family and the community every month.



“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give” 

Winston Churchill

 FANosity is a monthly gift for our team members that also promotes a reputable business or charitable organization doing good in the world. FANosity is an easy way for us to foster togetherness by supporting each other and companies and causes that are making positive differences in the world. 



The organizations and companies mentioned here are not affiliated with or endorsed by the Financial Advocacy Network or LPL Financial.